Next video production...Last of the Dogs..Bones

After, The Shapes promo, i got talking to a band on Facebook. I mentioned i just completed a promo and they were interested.
I did a rough cut, which took roughly about, 10 hours, spread over a few days. I used public domain footage for the video. It was Colour and Black and White.
The video was based on reading the lyrics and the song paced. The band loved the first rought cut, aside from changing something into black and white

 This is the end results. Again, took roughly 10 hours
          The band is. Last of the Dogs and the song is, Bone ( In the playslist

I like producing video, and this is paid work. My starting point is £50 for a video no longer than 6 minutes. More than, that, is more. It don;t mind doing deals for more than one video and the fee can be in money or equipment


Paul Readman
Video editor


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