DJ Readman Filming and video editing ( Official Blog)

As it says on the title, this is my official blog for the promo production, video editing i do
Footage below is a mixture of paid work and band footage, which is off my own back when i go to gigs.
I thought i would go into more detail here as i have no space on my radio website.
I love film, i have been filming bands either at gigs or guests, when they perform live on my radio shows for about two years.  I record with a campact Canon, which has the best audio you can get. This even beats some camcorders i have used, which is shocking.
This is probably the favourite, in terms of a band sets at a gig. The band were pretty shocked at the quality. I was suprised the camera held up, due the number of people on stage and Iain Brownlie projective vocal power.

The other video i began to do in May 2014, was a, Weekly Preview, linked to my live online radio broadcasts. I used band music videos and footage i had shot of a band i had seen locally.
This is the Montage video

The band footage of , The Shapes, caught the attention of the lead singer, Anthony Kelly. He asked if i would do a promo video for the band
This is the result. of ten hours work, which included, finding footage ( All Public Domain) and editing. I work at a pretty quick pace. He was suprised how quick i was.
He like the video, only after two further edits
This is the video

I was paid for the work, which pretty reasonable based on rates i have seen, going by the hour.
After this video, the next soon followed
I added someone on my Facebook thinking it was someone else, turns out it was someone i had never spoken to before. Just buy chance, i mentioned i do video promos, and the guy was interested
Andy Smith,  wanted a promo video produced for his Punk Rock band, Last of the Dogs. I said £50 and he thought that was very reasonable.
I set about doing a, "Rought Cut" based on lyrics and the song pace. Gave him the cut, he was very please with the result and a lot of feedback from people he had shown it to. Aside from one extra edit, i saved the final in HD and below is the result. Again, this too about ten hours to complete
This is it

Ten hours it takes roughly to do a single video. This is based on upto 6 minutes. The two video i did above, were only upto 4 minute each


After filming two Djs in, Milton Keynes,which was going out live on my radio show, 2tone and Dj Twist, were so impressed with this footage, which i was used my iphone 4s is film, they will pay me to film them at a gig coming up this year
January 2015
I continue to film at gigs. This was at the, Jericho Tavern. This i considered na experiement, as very venue is differient with sounds. Turns out, the audio is as good as The Flapper in Birmingham
This is the headliner on the night, Torn Like Colours.  Leanne singer projection was really good and it was caught very nicely. considering its a high stage and the P.A speakes, were above the stage, the audio turned out very well

Above, is what i can do. I am one man band

Filming editing and costs
I consider film editing and art.  The cost i worked out, based on the the video length and time to put together.

One single promo video upto 6 minutes  £50 This based on a 10 hour project
( I have seen other website rates, they charge about £30 an hour)
Upto three videos for one band £100

I have my Canon compact, records avi raw. The audio,as above is very capable and it blows some camcorders away that i have used. I can record as much or as little. The only limitation is battery time, which is based on light. To get the full batter life, its better in day light.  Each batter has maximum 1 hour and 15 minute from full to flat. night, upto 40 minutes. Memory, i can go on forever. The camera has a non stop recording limit of 30 minutes. This is factory setting on the model. I can stop and start with no limit on time.

At a gig

Hired to record a band on a night? If you want the more "Live" experience caught, then is direction camera audio. Want more clean "Band " sound, the audio can be vastly improved by the audio from the mixing deck.

Although the filming i do is mainly concentrates in the music field, it just happend that way. I can do a film or editing thats not music related

DJ Readman
Video producer and filmer


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