Drag : Compendium Tales of Tales, Regarding Body and Mind

Couldn't remember the album title by memory? not yet ;) had to look at the album sleeve.
Drag, an awsome, Punk, outfit from Birmingham, England.
Though a Kickstart Project, they managed to produce and even make extra copies of their new album. I bought mine through the net and this is what i heard.

I have always liked,  Punk,  music and Drag, are no exception. These guys have raw power on stage and bring it to the studio. The album is full of great straight down the line, Punk, no, Indie Punk, just Punk
I like the fact that on most songs, the tempo changes frequently,  Neurotica, opens the album and holds up the pace, well, the pace never lets up. When listening to the album, its sounds like Heather, is throwing herself around the room,  like she does on stage. Both drummers ( Like the fact Si, their previous drummer is credited), do an awsome job in time and Velma uses her guitar like a rocket launcher. Danny Boy is the only ballad on the album, starts slow, then speeds up, which i have seen live. Gives you a breather, for the next onslaught
You can heard everything clearly, well produced and all within the Birmingham area, including the artwork
I have been waiting for this album and it does not disappoint
The only downside, is that i could not get it sooner, as i had trouble with the Kickstaters system.
All 9 song, pure punk. I excepted nothing less.
All i can add, is get a copy before they run out



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