What has been happening

Got past the first three months living in the flat and it's very nice. Bills are lower than expected, although, not had the electric bill yet. Scottish Power, for some reason, are dragging their arse over this. We wait with baited breath.
Everything is now organised, back on the net, radio and vlogging more.
The garden I managed to acquire, I have found it hard to find time to start. I Thought, after work, not happened, weekends, not happened yet. I have to make time, even if it's just an hour.
I have got back to collecting vinyl records, YES :) it's suprising what you miss. And for the first in a couple of years, I am playing console games again.(Another blog)
The band I am in has slowed down for the moment. The drummer managed to get house swap and then went to America for most of July. There will be no movement until then
I am glad I was able to move, it took too long. Obviously you have to have income and then save. It's not easy. 
Thanks for reading
Paul Readman
Dj Readman


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