From Vlog to radio with music submissions

Thought i would explain this in a blog. My system with music submissions.


You can send any sounds you like, although the quality has to be good enough for radio broadcast. The stream broadcasts at 128k CD quality. It can be a demo, live recording, studio, as long as the quality is there.  At the moment, the only sound i have been  refusing, unless it something very unique, is rap/hiphop. I have become less of a fan over the last few years and really not much has convinced me otherwise.  Other than that, send away.

Vlog Music Update
Those that are highlighted, are on the weekly vlog, does not matter if its a single, album or an ep, i mention it. I do not play any music, as i am careful with audio track. However i am always adding additional content to the video, including, playing videos via my ipad and i have added a 30 second clip of a song on the video track with an accompanying image. In general, i only put my radio jingle, which opens and closes it

The only thing that ages in videos is me, but music never does age.  I keep in mind that many people watch videos randomly, not in order. Although this is a vlog series, i know not everyone views them that way. I try and record the videos so their not time stamped, so you can watch them no matter what day, month or decade you watch it in.  I also link the show on the video description. I do that so when you have seen the video, and want to hear the music, you can go to the podcast and listen to the show.

Video description

Links to videos, music clips, twitters, Facebooks, Mixclouders and Youtubers, all go in the description below the video. This includes the recorded radio shows

New and previous submissions

From Vlog 11, as well as highlighting new and fourthcoming releases, i go back to pull out eps and albums that i have bought, releated to music i am play, or something i have not played in a while and i go back to.

A poster is made for video Thumbnail. There are two images that go on the poster to Highlight artists. Any music i receive nearer the recorded day, still gets Highlighted, just not shown on the poster

When i upload and go live

The day i record and upload a video is Monday night. I changed the title from, Sunday Vlog to Weekly music update, as recording on a Sunday, was getting a bit tight for time

Live Radio broadcasts

I broadcast live on, Music World Radio, every, Thursday night 8-10pm. Depending on track length, i play around 22 songs on a show. All bands mentioned on the vlog i play. An album, 4 songs, ,which is usually one every half hour.

Live Broadcast to Podcast

The live broadcast, then gets upload to, Mixcloud, the next day, There is no difference in the broadcast to when it is uploaded. The only time there is a difference, if there is an error of some kind, like a connection drop, or a song goes wrong. Other than that, the same show

Every Week

The Vlog and the radio broadcast and podcast are every week. Thats the system in place. The only time the radio show is on a weekend, is when i have a live guest.This is on a Saturday. Other than that, Vlog on Monday and the live broadcast on Thursday

Thankyou for reading
Paul Readman aka DJ Readman
Radio Variety Show


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