(Non Radio)(Article) E.R

For anyone in England who does not know about this, or at least heard about it but not seen it. E.R or Emergency was created by Michael Crichton. Yes the guy who wrote, Jurassic Park. Until i saw the first season and the documentry, i had no idea why it was so successful and why it lasted 15 seasons. This is one of the longest running serials i know of on U.S TV and English TV for that matter( It was imported to Channel 4) The one main reason, why this series got popular so quick, was the pace. The idea was to have the camera move from room to room, with split seconds of storyline, like you were switching TV channels. It worked, thats the basic idea behind ER. In reality, it is also this exhausting and you do get sucked in,....yes, i got sucked in. E.R can be compared to the England TV series, casualty. Casualty has a slower pace than E.R. Its also very interesting is that E.R has a striking resemblance to American TV series from the 70s, M.A.S...