Bioshock, just a bit

I found this out last night (September 2nd), looking round the app store for new games, when i come across, Bioshock? Oh nice, looooovely....but, hold up, only works on tablet and phones no less that 6 months old??? Iphone 5 and Air etc?

I don't mind the £10 price tag or the space it uses on your pad, 1.6gig or something? thats nothing
I have never owned Bioshock, more for money reasons, as i like Tomb Raider and Resident Evil. Now, thing are different and i like tablet gaming and " High End" games, i call them.
As far as i am aware, this is the first app that has been release this way. I hope its the last. I don;t mind upgrading my devices, but for one game, nope
What i  find irritating, is the you can buy one for the ps3 of one of them or the most recent release and that is 
the full game and the console is 6 years old. Further more,  E.A games released the Mass Effect app last year, works wonders, with sound and some of the best graphics i have seen on an app. That works on the ipad2, just fine. Why did 2k release the app in this fashion??
Shame, i would like to experience it, but they have shot themselves in the foot in my opinion. If had a really old tablet, i would not be bothered, but this is the first time this has occured. This may happen more, who knows, then i can't buy off the app store then.  Apps, look to go the same way a consoles probably,. I have a Xbox one, but the game is only for the ps4 syndrome
My whole point in buying a tablet was go completely game on my ipad 2. This year, i went back to consoles to buy a game. The reason for this is not every game is available yet on the app store. This is fine, but i would developers would put their foot down as i live tablet gaming. I have bought, Tomb Raider, Mas Effect, Myst, Resident Evil and a few others. As you can see, i like high end game.
I will, in the end, buy a more recent, tablet. Anyone got £400, i thought not ;)

Paul Readmam
Irritated game reviewer ( Not all the time, just sometimes)


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