Among the Echoes - Fracture ( Album ) review
Like with any album, you do not know what to expect,
I have seen Among the Echoes, live a few times, but obviously, that is different to a studio release.
They have darkwave electro guitar sounds that are very rich, great beats and the charisma of Ian Wall on leads vocals.
I know that, Sam Wale. the main guitarist of the band is also the sound engineer and I couldn't wait for the results of this recording
The one thing I have always liked is a strong opening that leads you into the songs. The opening is very subtle that builds up and then explodes into the song, Fracture.
The sound is a combination of two guitarists, Riddel and Sam, with Steve on keyboards and Ian Wall on main vocals. They have used this to great effect in new songs, Hate ( My current favourite and live) and the rerecordings of, Pure and Freak
The opening of the album goes for the same with the songs. All the songs are pretty catchy as you remember them, especially with the first probably ten seconds. There is something there, you remember after a few listens to a song.
The album has a nice flow. Sam has done an amazing job putting it all together. The album is not a studio version of a live performance as getting a raw sound is not easy, but the journey the album takes, draws you in for a great experience. This album makes you want to see them live.
I knew this would be a good album, with the work Sam has been doing, especially with the current releases of Johnny Normal and the last single the band released, Midnight. This tune is also on this album and the production is as smooth as you can get it. That goes for every song on the album.
The other element I like of the album is Ian Walls's vocals. Has a unique style, and is soft, and projectable (Depending on the song) The album brings out his range.
The only gripe I have with this album is something that I have found in general with many band albums, which is track length and general album length. I have no idea if it's just the way the songs are written, or it's just a habit the band has got into, but, I have never seen a good long tune on many albums. Fracture is another example of a lot of radio-friendly lengthy songs. It would be nice to see some epic-length club tunes for about 6 minutes. Tunes can be remixed, but longer originals would be nice
Other than that, great album. Its doesn't go by fast when listening, the flow that the band have produced keep your ears entertained
The band influences are many 80s, but this is a fine modern album
I bought the album and the T-shirt at the August gig, yes, I am a fan :)
Paul Readman aka DJ Readman
Online music promoter, radio broadcaster, interviewer and gig filmer
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