The Jonny Cooke appearance

This blog is a little later tha planned.  I have been working and a little less time these days.
Continuing from the website and the great feedback we had from the appearance of English musician, living in Ireland, Jonny Cooke

I first heard about Jonny through, Simon Dwight, who performed on the show in the summer (2013). Jonny Cooke, uses the same engineer, Van Gabriel, as Simon, for his album, Strange Days.
I had never spoken or met Jonny before, only on Facebook I had heard his music, broadcast it, but not much else.
He agreed to come all the way from Ireland to performed. I found out it didn't cost him that much and he stopped overnight in Milton Keynes, where he used to live.
This was the last time we were going to use General Foods Social Club rehearal room, due to the cold weather coming in with the time of year.
Jonny arrived at the house first, too meet, Rhonda, and was accompanied by his brother, Tony, who i later found out was a drum & Bass DJ.  We had a few beer down GF first, talking about music and producing. Then we set up and did a soundcheck. Like always i was limited with what i could film due to the battery and memory card. First time i had expanded the filming with a more vlogging style and more interview on camera.
Connecting to the net via my phone worked great as usual and we had a good time. It was also the first time i had used the Micromixer, donated by John Watt. This is what has been needed for a cleaner broadcast. It picked up the microphone very well.  I am going to invest in a second microphone and stand. Even though Jonny brought anothe microphone, it was the wrong connection. We ended up with one microphone

I like the fact, Jonny loved the visit and the broadcast, which has recieved really good comments and feedback on Youtube. I managed to film 45 minutes, with the battery and 8 gig memory card. I have now got a second batter and another 16 gig memory card so i can film entire radio performance ad gigs.

Although this is the not the first guest, this is the first time i have used the right equipment and more filming.  future broadcasts are going to be expanded. I have plans for a few long time, just the matter of money and execution of the planning.

                                      This is the 45 minute filme of Johnny Cooke
                      Want to perform on the show. Next monthly slot is 23rd November, Saturday afternoon

DJ Readman                                  


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