The Queens Death

 I was at working when someone flew out of a door I was near as he was watching a film in a screen I was near said “ The Queens Dead” I thought he was talking about the film but no

Queen Elizabeth II R.I.P

Yeah it's very easy to shout your mouth off about the Royals, but if people read about the family she didn't have a choice to become Queen. She was very young and I'm guessing she had to learn her role pretty damn bloody fast. On top of that she wanted to go into the army but I'm guessing because her status she chose to be an army mechanic. I forgot about those things. I'm not a fan of the Royals but they are all born  into this life some have left if you follow these things.  It's a big family who have had a lot of high profile deaths including Diana, which in my opinion was the biggest in Royal history. The Queens husband last year at 99 and her sister Princess Margret, 20 years ago which wasn't a total surprise due to her wild lifestyle? There are FAMILY in the limelight ALL THE TIME. This would tax anyone's mental state.

People who don’t like the Royals, fair enough, but why are they still here? Think of them as a rock band with fans around the world. Thats exactly what they are.


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