Knowing music knowledge

Wandering around Google Search and found this?


No one knows everything about vinyl, but I have to say I recently realised that I know more about  music in terms of whats valuable and whats not than I thought.

I like supporting local record shops and I was looking through a box in Strummer Room Records, where I buy vinyl from and thinking when I was looking at a box of original Drum & Bass vinyl “Thats good, that should be priced more”  I was talking to the owner and I mentioned about the labels and sub labels and I mentioned the boxes of a dance vinyl he had as well. I’m a reseller by heart its in my blood.

I sorted some vinyl that I selected some titles that I knew that could be pushed more.

I ran my own record shop Demand Records and I am still known for that. It's kinds like being a Youtuber.

I know lot of about many sounds and what to look for.  I was pretty surprised to be honest what your memory stores. Vinyl is my main music fuel and I know what is valuable and what is not. People think they know from looking and Ebay and Discogs. The truth is and I have seen other vinyl lovers and finatics pick up on this as well that these sites only tell you from what people have bought like a mathematical table. But that's not the value. It was also pointed out that in Youtuber Too Many Records, in some places will sell a few of the same record in various conditions for the same higher prices thinking that “ Newbies” record collecting vinyl will not notice? Something like that.

The Beatles music is a perfect example of the rarer releases are the most valuable. Signed by the members, picture discs, coloured vinyl, that kind of thing. Ordinary average black vinyl is not so much.  It all comes down to condition. A copy of St. pepper isn't worth £50 if it sounds like a chip pan frying bacon, probably £5 -10 if it's plays all the way through without jumping and the pops aren't deafening. Even a rare album in bad condition is worth nothing. 

In the Vinyl Universe, it's “ Condition, Condition, Condition”

Since I started reselling on an Facebook auction group when I found the place about 18 months ago?, You are always sharpening your skills.

I can look through a crate of vinyl and know what will sell of be auctioned off. 

There is a lot of stuff that is just worthless, which is a shame to be honest. Why? Because they were pressed on the cheap in their millions and sold new cheap. I see this a lot.  But because the way the market had been geared towards the general public to the so called “Vinyl revival” people think every Elvis reissue are worth £20 or more.

Vinyl is a good investment. A vinyl is like an audio and visual painting,  There is more to vinyl than just playing it. Even I learn things from others. 

I've realised I can give out advise as I feel I have enough knowledge between my ears to educate.


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