The travel guide of Fun For Louis, aka Louis Cole

Back in the day, when TV and traveling around the world to different places was kind of everywhere, it was really entertaining, This has all but gone from the main British channels.
One TV series that stood out was " The Rough Guide" taking you to the non tourist area's, well places where they allowed TV cameras

That was the 1990s, now fast forward to 2014/2015

Youtube is now the place for many people to watch, essentially, TV. At the start, Youtube is not what it is now. However, more people are vlogging ( Short for video blog), comedy and documentaries. I am not a fan of collecting loads of people on Youtube and subscribing, as there is a lot of channels with the same stuff. You have, revewers, technology and gaming, which does get tedious after a while. It takes something good to grab my attention and one such person, from Surrey, England. is Louis Cole

Although his, Youtube, life didn't start out daily vlogging or travelling, it is now the content he is well known for, From what i can gather, since his has made a lot of fans and got noticed, he gets sponsors by airlines, companies and he does a lot for charities, going out and filming in his style and bring important issues to the publics attention.
I have never met, Louis, although one day i hope to.  In a podcast i heard a few days ago, which he was invited to take part in, in L.A with Grace Hellig, a popular Youtuber, he mentioned someone he met and said, what i consider to be the best description of the, Funforlouis, channel " A Travel Guide" He was kind of suprising, but that's exactly how i describe it, a travel guide. Click the video link above ( Under her name) and on the description there is a link to the podcast he did. It's really good.

As an example, about 6 months ago, he is probably the first person i have heard of, to get an "extended book"(Whatever you call it) for his passport, He had filled the pages of stamps in 10 months, thats how much he travels.

Funforlouis, in my opinion is one of the best channel to watch for the different countries he visits.
One of my favourite videos, although its not 100 of miles away( I live in the U.K), is his boat trip with three of his mates, across the, English Channel. He did a 360 video of the crossing, one of the best i have seen. There is also the mamathon trip across, India, for the,  Teenage Cancer Trust. Also three vlogs covering horse back riding in, America, with three of his mate( Same one as the channel crossing) just fantastic to watch. The other great thing about his channel, he knows a lot of other people that are on , Youtube, He is kind of the central hub of Youtube, he knows many people, always making friends with celebrities who you see on other channels on satalite. Just the free spirit that he is, makes friends with a lot of people.. Even though i have watched all of his channel, the traveling, not the food( How he started on, Youtube as Food for Louis), you still never know what is going to come next, you seriously don't.
He has a growing community and asks advice. The channel is partly about him, but its also us. We are involved as well and he tries as much as he can to get the community he has built up,involved in fund raising and other related subjects. He likes meeting poeple in person and gets that a lot with conventions he goes to.

He has also begun to uploading 360 videos using 6 go pros. He is not the only person to utilise the technology, but, the channel crossing is an example of the clarity of the footage
360 crossing

You will no doubt enjoy the channel as much as i do.
As i said above, it is a essentially a travel guide. Although  i don't travel the world ( Only been to, Canada) you get to learn about other countries, my favroute so far was, Cuba. That was interesting


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