Take a Hike (Facebook page)

I like walking, a lot. Over the past few months, there have been three of us, having fun, walking around the fields, within miles of Banbury.
There are some obvious places, but many people do not know about them as they are hidden. Natural beauty. Because images on Facebook are popular, i decided to combine walking with social media, its is called

Take A Hike

It is good exercise and three of us have been walking long distance for a couple of months. Sometimes there is an odd weekends that we do not, but weather has been very good so far.

Part of this idea is to open a live photo album. Live? yes, while i am walking and upload, straight to.the Take A Hike page. People can then see where we are walking.

The Longest Distance so far

Walking long dustances, is best when it is not blazing hot. You can walk in blazing hot weather, but as i found out, when doing gardening work  it zaps you of energy pretty fast. Depends on the direction of the sun.  We walked  to Dedington, which is a village 6 miles outside Banbury. You go through, Addurbery first, but, the road you walk does not snake through all the way through Adderbury. It depends how long you want to stay in Deddington for, as you have to double your time as walking does soak up hours. With taking in some of the canal walk on the way back, 14 miles

Do you have to be reasonably fit???

My advice, to start with really short distances. I would start with 3 miles. It may sound a lot, but walking from the Banbury canal lock to the King Sutton Bridge is 3 miles. Many people do this, and its not a secret walk or nothing.  You can do less, but 3 miles, i would say, you will know if you want to do more. I am reasonbly fit, i am no athelete either,  but i love doing it,, which is key. If i did not like doing it, i wouldn't ( Note: If you want to walk three miles, take into account, walking back 3 miles as well)

Have we had good feedback

I knew this would be popular. The page has been active from the start.  Message asking where we are walking wlike taking live album shots and people liking the page and sharing the images while giving us credit., Ian Gentles has shared to photos so far  Banburyshire info Facebook

Next steps

Maps: There are various ways of doing this, including screen shots. We are working on a way of doing it better.
Videos: Live videos are not possible due to battery live. However prerecording videos are possible. I have been thinking about this from the start, just the matter of when do do one

Next Walk ( From Weekend June 20th)

The weather and timing has stopped us twice from doing 14 miles to Brackley. Hopefully this weekend, we can do it. This is through country roads as choosing field routes is prooving to be difficult from Middleton Cheney. The walk goes to Middleton Cheney then, off the main road and taking the country road route.

If you like walking, like page i have linked above and share the picture. When you do share mention the page name and link it and who took it. ( Pleasde ask who took it before you share)

Thankyou for reading


  1. Really enjoying following the walks from my computer screen. Excellent photos too.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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