Vinyl (Weekend) Vlog series on Youtube

The ideas for this video series
I wanted to archive the start of my vinyl collection. Archive only come to light through watching over people on, Youtube, mentioning it, and thought it was a good idea. With that in mind, i wanted to start a daily vlog, but not got the time to do it all week. I decided to start what i bought on vinyl
I discovered when filming on my iphone than both camera have different ratios. I wondered why certain shots had boarders and some did not, then i realised

The videos
                                       This is the first vlog, which is the "In front of camera" format

                               Vlog 02, the same format, but expanding on the weekend vlog idea

                               Vlog 03, This is taking the weekend video to the next stage

   Vlog 04, Weekend Vinyl Vlog 


Vinyl Vlog 04 ( Just the Vinyl(Short Version)


06 July 19th
With this vlog, i recorded the audio seperatly and used the landscape camera on my iphone

06 is coming with more goodies
Vinyl list
To add to the growing vinyl collection
Nirvana - Nevermind
Primal Scream - Screamadlia
Guns n Roses - Appetite for Destruction
The Beatles - Revolver
Prodigy - Their Law
Get the Blessing OCDC and Lope Antelope
Stones Roses - Stone Roses
This list will grow, when more spring to mind
Want to send any vinyl, you were going to throw? Then e-mail is for my address :)

Its all about the music :)

Paul Readman
Vinyl collector
Feel free to comment on the blog


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