Dead Audio Saint - Jaded / with horror film footage/ New Youtube Series

New Youtube Series.  This combines my love for video editing with promoting music.

The band: Dead Audio Saints
Formed by brothers Danny and Corey, they enlisted childhood friend and drummer Damon Head to form the band.

The Visuals:

Sabbath, Dread, Dead House and Feral

The footage is from Indie film trailers from two film DVDs I have promo copies of. These were sent to me from Laura Seli, in 2008, who wrote the film Sabbath and involved in Dread. I have updated the video description to include the link to Dread.  See what can be done for Sabbath because it was with withdrawn due to issues with film effect copyright.  I had no idea effects could be copyrighted.

Dead House and Feral, you can stream via Maxim Media.


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