What can i do??? My work history essentially

I was thinking of my skills recently. You never know how things are going to turn out work wise. They have built up through my own experiences and gained some by discovering them over time.
This is general overview of what I can do and what I have done work wise.

Demand Records.
People still remember me from this. I still get recognised.  I opened In 1994 and closed in 2005 as I ran into a financial brick wall. I sold mainly pre owned vinyl, CDs and cassettes. keeping my ear to the ground I introduced console games which, If I recall, not many shops were selling at the time in town?. The biggest edition was new drum and bass vinyl. This was at the time when a lot of big festivals and clubs were around and I managed to claw the fans in  through the door. 
The shop also started the creative juices flowing with promoting local musicians.  I started, a short lived printed magazine with a small team of four, which after the printed one stopped I took that and turned that into a live audio radio show on a station within the shop Online. This was brought to me and I let the people use part of the shop to create a studio.  I DJed in local venues, met loads of bands. I transfered the radio to home where I continued until 2017.

I began a few years ago, as the shop work just dried up even though I had previous experience.  I switched to residential cleaning, for which I got a clients. I can wipe, polish, vacuum, scrub and mop surfaces. I have done residential and commercial cleaning. This after a while I released I could have regular work as I didn’t have the transport.

I got clients because I love gardening especially over dig.  I always said to people it’s like gym work but you get paid for it.  I had worked in blazing heat or pouring rain for some job.  Weather has never bothered  me, I can do the basics clearing grass, weeding, mowing, the basics.
I can do some handyman work as well such as wallpaper stripping.  

Video editing
This started as I was filming a gig with my compact camera,  I edited the footage into a montage of the night and from that I was asked to do music video.  That led to more work with sending other bands my work. This work is not just for music video, it can be any project.  I found I loved doing this. Filming with my phone for sourcing video and editing it until the client is satisfied.


My last job in this industry was Sugar Rush, sweet shop in Banbury.  I got the job is Septemeber 2013 and got made redundant due to the Pandemic, in December 2020.  As you see the date because when rules eased I did go back to work but there was hardly any trade.
Many people recognised me from my record shop days when I worked there which still surprises me.
With Sugar Rush, I was trusted to be left on my own for most of my shifts and working with other staff depending on the rota. I was a key holder, opening and closing the shop. It was great to keep busy and I enjoyed selling sweets and meeting and chatting with people.

I asked myself, what can i do to earn money, when work was not coming my way. I began with cleaning, then gardening, then got the shop job. The editing video is the most recently, although its not a new skill, i just didn't think it would turn into paid work. It has been slow, but it has been coming. I have had clients come back for more work

Cleaning: 07473297764
My number for everythiing else 07810518778


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