All About Vinyl, my Turntable Series

I retuned to my vinyl vlog series. I love vinyl. The wife bought me a new turntable as I was literally gasping for one. 
I decided I want to utilise my turntable although vinyl is first not ever new release is on vinyl at the moment.
                               This is 56 episode series. I had to stop for a while due to moving
                                                               This is the playlist
                                                 Below are vinyl, CD and Digital releases 
                      This is a new song by band Speed of Sound. Links are in the video description

This is the first new vinyl release I put on the turntable. Double vinyl by Spy Genius

                                               I love creative openings to songs or albums.
                                   This is one of my favourites and just happens to be legendary 

I then turned my attention to CD releases.
This is Oceans, from the album Cold Tales by 
Little Brother Eli

Then I thought how can visualise a download on a turntable?
Here is your answer
First one is Australian Electro musician Montage Collective featuring Electro musician She’s Got Claws


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