
Showing posts from December, 2015


Vinylplay is a series, with the radio Variety Show, playing direct from vinyl on live broadcasts The first two were newish vinyl from Two Indie bands All these will have vlogs on You eventually, Flying Kangaroo Alliance The Dead Betas 15 /A night on the Town A classic from Gary Numan, with a Flexidisc Double 7" single release from Art of Noise To hear vnyl, every Thursday, alongside, mp3s and Wav files There will be more pictures soon Thursdays 8-10pm Music World Radio

The travel guide of Fun For Louis, aka Louis Cole

Back in the day, when TV and traveling around the world to different places was kind of everywhere, it was really entertaining, This has all but gone from the main British channels. One TV series that stood out was " The Rough Guide" taking you to the non tourist area's, well places where they allowed TV cameras That was the 1990s, now fast forward to 2014/2015 Youtube is now the place for many people to watch, essentially, TV. At the start, Youtube is not what it is now. However, more people are vlogging ( Short for video blog), comedy and documentaries. I am not a fan of collecting loads of people on Youtube and subscribing, as there is a lot of channels with the same stuff. You have, revewers, technology and gaming, which does get tedious after a while. It takes something good to grab my attention and one such person, from Surrey, England. is Louis Cole Although his, Youtube, life didn't start out daily vlogging or travelling, it is now the content he...

Hiring a car to go to gigs

Hi there, On previous blogs and on social media, i have mentioned the mess public transport is in, when you want to travel in the U.K past midnight`  Trains stop early for maintenance, after i found out through contacting, Network Rail.  Going on National Express, is also a challenge.. Their not 24 hours, even though i assumed they where, although they do not promote they are. On some routes, you can go there, but not come back on a coach for 48 hours. This was really irritating me and i thought, screw this mess i will stop going to gigs and only ones i can come back from. I have been to Oxford a few times this year, which was great, and got on the coach to Birmingham as the coach come back , but only one at 2.30am To whats the solution??  Hiring a car For some reason, i have never thought of this, probably because i can't drive, well ,never learnt to, well i did, 24 years ago. The big problem, it costs the earth, i honestly do not know how people manage to pay for ...

Finally, i can now play vinyl records again on radio

Before the headlines, an update.... Co Presenter The radio variety show has always been able to evolve or move in various directions. Reason for the difficult task of finding a good name for the show In April 2015, i found a co presenters, Educational publisher and graphic designer, Darren Coles. We began messing about on radio, and wanted to come up with a duo name. For some reason, animals come into conversation and we ended up with, Dog and Crow. I am Dog and Darren is Crow. Partly the reason, for this is because, Darren, can do a wicked, Crow sound and i can do a Dog one Show HQ has moved again A place i have been waiting for over a year finally landed. My father knew of a couple who were to rent a house. I was in the position to move in, but heard nothing for long time. Then the chess pieces fell into place, hired a van to move the gear and we landed into new HQ, beginnig of November 2015 Improvements Darren has a technical mind. He has gear, has been in bands and can se...