
Showing posts from June, 2014

As if by Magic, a garden appears

Update: December 2014 After all the excitment, i never made it into the garden. :( When i was in the mood, it was bad weather, damn it Its funny how things turn up. My flat has no green area and for some strange reason, i miss gardening. I did it for living because i like doing it as well, until i changed jobs, but i didn't realise i missed it.  When i was living with my parents, i didn't use the garden much, as in planting and digging. I liked having a garden though. The first plan, was to hire an alotment space, but from what i was told, there are waiting lists. It is only about £25 a year, but it not about waiting, it about getting something, well, yes, it is about waiting :) The other plan, which lead me to the next phaze, asking for free land As usually, you expect all kind of silly comments from people. As it turned out, it was the opposite. I got a very positive reaction from the thread i made on the Banbury Freecycle group on Facebook. I asked, if anyone ha...

Vinyl (Weekend) Vlog series on Youtube

The ideas for this video series I wanted to archive the start of my vinyl collection. Archive only come to light through watching over people on, Youtube, mentioning it, and thought it was a good idea. With that in mind, i wanted to start a daily vlog, but not got the time to do it all week. I decided to start what i bought on vinyl I discovered when filming on my iphone than both camera have different ratios. I wondered why certain shots had boarders and some did not, then i realised The videos                                         This is the first vlog, which is the "In front of camera" format                                                                             Vlog 02, the same f...

(Album Review) Lee Negin - The Chronicles of Cheeze Volume V

The soundscape master dazzles once again, with more mind bending sounds and hard beats shaped into his latest, Techno Opera. " Anyone want a line for review " "Chronicle of Cheeze is the Rock Horror Picture Show,  on an acid trip" Swan lake when you think of Opera, but this is a Techno Opera, so all the alien toys get thrown out of the window" I played the album in full, on my radio show on June 20th. There are various, nicely crafted dance numbers. The second song, after the alien introduction, is dance number, Just Staying. Reminded me of the, Time Warp, dance sequence, in Rocky Horror. The other reason, is where the track is placed, which is near the opening, like the song in the film. I have heard many previous albums by Lee, although i still didn't know what to expect, with an Opera. In many places, this adventure, sounds a little like a radio play. Voices, siutation comedy and of course,what i call,  " The Trainspotting Effect...