Two Canons for filming and promo videos

I love filming, more and more in fact, since i got the first Canon Compact. Yes, its a compact, although the audio playback is the best i have come across. Its even suprised bands, who have seen the footage i have shot of them You can take photo or record footage on anything that has the ability. The one thing that is more important than the visual, is capturing a great audio track. The, Canon, powerchot i have been using for the past couple of years is great. However, i have always wanted a backup, but never the finances to plough out £200. The amount would be great to get a higher quality camera. The one thing that always enoys me about reviews is no one talks about THE AUDIO side, only "oh its GREAT HD (Might do a video on this) A couple of days ago, to back up my Powershot 1100 SD Canon, I,managed to pick up a Canon, PC 1732, or an slightly newer version of my other Canon. Of course, Imfirst checked the audio, even though the video is HD capture and playback. As it tur...